Why did Spotify’s RapCaviar playlist become so popular? How can we distill knowledge from all the noise and information all around us? Can you eat wisely by following three rules which add up to just seven words?
We will find out how Tuma Basa’s curated playlist had songs that were foreign to his listeners but familiar to them in certain ways. Curation adds value to content that may have otherwise gone unnoticed. Chapter 5 also has the story of Marie Kondo, who is known for her Netflix show that helps you declutter your home. Yet another story is of the nonagenarian Sushi Chef Jiro Ono and his restaurant in downtown Tokyo which the US President Barack Obama visited.

Three pillars will help you develop the practice of curation: narrow your choices with simple rules, focus on the essential and hone the ability to detect and debunk bullshit. You will learn how to bring order to chaos and become better at making decisions. In a jam experiment buyers who were offered a selection of 6 varieties of jam were 10 times more likely to make a purchase rather than those who had a choice of 36 flavors. Additionally shoppers who selected jam from the table with fewer choices were happier with their decision compared to those who had a more choices.
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The Art of Curation
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